Friday, February 5, 2016

Typical Friday

     As I write this, I feel unbelievably exhausted.  It's Friday night and I'm still at school.  I have everything organized and ready to go for next week, but now my daughter is "playing" school.  She's having a ball organizing papers, charts, and lists.  How could I tell her that she has to stop?  How can I get stressed about how my finally clean classroom is now getting all messed up?  I can't.....
     Now, I'm starting to wonder how many opportunities do I give my students time to enjoy school?  We are so hyper focused on their reading levels, goals to meet, and scores to prove growth.  It's sad that these poor children don't have time to love and enjoy school.  
    Hopefully, my students are having fun as we are learning vocabulary, reading, adding, subtracting, exploring new ideas and concepts, etc. I know that First grade has changed a ton over the years, but I pray that all my students love (or at least appreciate) learning and growing.
    The lesson that I have learned?  Don't worry, just pick up a pizza for dinner on the way home and watch a movie on the couch!  
    I pray that everyone has a long and boring weekend!  Ha-Ha!   

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